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Your car can turn dull, oxidize and fade due to pressure from ultraviolet sun rays. Just as your skin burns from too much sun, a car’s paint also feels a certain degree of damage. Car parking shades protect the car against storm, rain, and dust; it also protects it against insect invasion. It can protect the interior plastic components from getting damaged. It helps to maintain or cool the car’s temperature. Car parking shades ensure adequate security and safety to the car in the day and night.

A parking shed is the safest space for your car. It protects your car from harsh weather, harmful UV rays, solar radiation and more. Just like the skin of your body, too much sunlight can have a major impact on your car in a negative way. There’s no doubt that your dream car is precious to you, because surely you had been planning to own for a long time. Which is why it needs to be protected without compromise. With Tata Structura Steel Hollow Sections, you have the freedom to choose from a variety of car parking shed designs that provide ultimate safety and security for your dream car. Parking sheds for cars come in various shapes and sizes. They are generally built to match and amplify the aesthetic appeal of the space they are being built in, be it a residential or commercial establishment.

Materials and Fabric Details for Car Parking Shades

Our high-grade materials include HDPE (High-Density polyethylene), PVC (Polyvinylchloride) and PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene), which are utilized where necessary. We equally use waterproof and non-waterproof car parking shades to protect your vehicle. Contact us today and let’s get started with your car park shade needs.

Types of Parking Shades

      • Cantilever car parking shades
      • Single pole (Umbrella shape)
      • Pyramid shape
      • Arch design
      • Sail design
      • Wave design
      • K-span car parking shades and much more.